Neal Spelce will join the LBJ Library's Fall Festival November 21, 2022
Noon - 3 PM

About this event
Celebrate fall and do some early holiday shopping at the LBJ Library on Monday, November 21. Our Fall Festival features activities for kids, a drawing for unique prizes, sweet treats, and an opportunity to meet local authors and vendors who sell items in our store. Join us from 12 – 3 p.m.
Museum Admission includes:
Local vendors featuring hand-painted clothing and handmade jewelry
Tax free purchases in the store
Treats from the Johnson’s favorite recipes
White House China crafting for the kids
New exhibit showcasing artist Porfirio Salinas, LBJ’s favorite artist
Local authors who are experts on the Johnsons will sign books and help you find just the right gifts for your list
Jean Schuler: At the Table with LBJ and Lady Bird: History, Humor, True Texas Recipes
Mark Updegrove: Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency, Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency
Louann Temple: Lady Bird Johnson: Deeds Not Words, LBJ: The Can-Do President, A Biography for Beginning Historians
Neal Spelce: With the Bark Off: A Journalist’s Memories of LBJ and a Life in the News Media